# NTCIR-13 Lifelog Task # Query dataset for Dry Run - LSAT SubTask # Last modified: May 01, 2017 001 recall u1 Water Photos Find the moment(s) when I am taking a photo of scenery which includes water. Moments which show the user taking a photo of any scenery once there is water (e.g. river, sea, lake) visible is considered relevant. The user must be seen to be taking a photo, so a camera or phone must be visible in the moment. Moments in which the user is not relevant taking a photo are not considered to be relevant. 002 recall u2 Tourism Find the moment(s) where I am visiting a tourist site. Any moment in which the user is in a tourist site away from his home country is considered to be relevant. 003 recall u1 Flying Find the moment(s) when the user is travelling in an airplane. Moments that show the user in an airplane are considered to be relevant. It does not matter whether the airplane is moving or not moving. Moments in an airport are not relevant. 004 precision u1 TV shopping Find the moment(s) where I was looking at TVs in a store Moments that show the user in a department or electronics store looking at TVs for sale are considered relevant. Any other moments in which the user is looking at TV are not considered relevant. 005 recall u1 Fast Food Find the moment(s) where I was eating fast food. Fast food moments occur when the user is out of home and in a restaurant. What constitutes fast food is subject to debate, but we will be flexible in our interpretation of fast food. Eating moments in a restaurant where the user sits down and orders food, followed by a delay while food is prepared is not considered to be fast food.