Important Dates



LSC'23 - The sixth annual ACM Lifelog Search  Challenge ( is a participation workshop at the ACM ICMR’23 conference in June 2023 in Thessaloniki, Greece. LSC is a highly entertaining and challenging workshop focused around a live lifelog search competition, where researchers evaluate and demonstrate their multimodal interactive lifelog search engine on a shared dataset in front of a live audience. At the LSC workshop, each participating team gives a short presentation about their interactive lifelog search system which is then followed by the live interactive search competition in which teams compete to solve a variety of search tasks in the shortest time possible.  We encourage anyone with an exploratory multimedia search tool that allows for retrieval, interactive browsing, exploration, or navigation in a multimedia collection to participate. An accompanying dataset is used for the challenge, which consists of 18 months of fully anonymised and redacted multimodal lifelog data (continuous capture images, locations, activities). The lifelog was gathered 24x7 from one individual. The LSC’23 dataset is the same as the one employed for LSC’22. Teams can apply for access to the LSC’23 dataset by following the instructions on the LSC’23 website ( An online API will be provided in advance to support development and validation of your system. The topics are presented as textual descriptions of an information need that is met by one or more moments from the lifelog data. At the competition, there will be a time-limit of three minutes per topic to answer it. Incorrect answers will decrease your score.  LSC’23 uses  three types of topic:

  • Known-Item search to find any one relevant image from the collection that addresses the topic.
  • Ad-hoc search to find as many relevant images as possible from the lifelog that answer the topic.
  • Q&A topics, which seek a correct answer to an information need. (Answers will be judged in real-time.)

The workshop is envisaged as a physical event, but we aim to facilitate online participation if needed or requested. We anticipate utilising both novice and expert users in the competition. Please note that this may disadvantage online/virtual participants.

In order to participate, a team must submit a paper that describes their interactive search engine and how it operates by 15 March 2022 following the instructions of the LSC’23 website ( Papers must be formatted according to the ACM proceedings style, must not exceed 6 pages in length and be written in the English language. LSC’23 will use a single-blind review process for paper and system selection. Submissions should be made through the LSC’23 EasyChair submission site ( All accepted LSC’23 papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library in the LSC workshop series. Furthermore, an author of each accepted submission will be invited to contribute to a special issue of the MTAP journal on LSC’23.

***** Important Dates ****
  • 10 March 2023: Workshop paper due 
  • 20 March 2023: Notification of acceptance
  • 01 April 2023: Camera-Ready deadline (tentative)
  • 12 June 2023: LSC'22 workshop

***** Links ****

LSC’23 Submission site: 

***** Organisers ****

Cathal Gurrin (DCU)
Björn Þór Jónsson (RUITC)
Duc Tien Dang Nguyen (UiB)
Graham Healy (DCU)
Jakub Lokoc (CU)
Klaus Schoeffmann (AAU)
Luca Rossetto (UZH)
Minh-Triet Tran (HCMUS)
Wolfgang Hürst (UU)
Liting Zhou (DCU)