Important Dates

Data Description

The NTCIR-14 Lifelog data consists of 42 days of data from two active lifeloggers. The dataset contains the following data:


  • OMG Autographer capturing about two images per minute. from breakfast to sleep. This is about 1,500 images per day. There will be an accompanying output of a concept detector to assist teams in building a search engine for the data.
  • Music listing history (see an example of music listening history here)

  • Biometrics 24x7 (heart rate, calorie burn, steps)
  • Blood Sugar levels every fifteen minutes.

Human Activity
  • Semantic locations visited
  • Physical activities
  • Diet log (manual logging of photos of food).

Computer Usage (as document vectors on a per-minute basis)
  • Computer input via keyboard and information consumed on the computer via ASR of on-screen activity on a per-minute basis. This data is filtered using a blacklist, anonymised and then stemmed using an English language stemmer. Each minute is represented by a sorted document vector.

Registration and Data Release Forms

Every participating group must firstly register with NTCIR and indicate their intention to partake in the lifelog task. This can be done by following this link registering for the Lifelog task at NTCIR-14.

Once this registration with NTCIR is completed, the NTCIR-Lifelog's participants are required to sign two forms to access the datasets, an organisational agreement form for your organisation (signed by the research team leader) and an individual agreement form for each member of the research team that will access the data. The organisation agreement form should be sent to the lifelog task organisers ( in PDF format. The individual agreement form must be signed by all researchers who will use the data and kept by the organisation on file. It should not be sent to the organisers, unless requested at a later date.

  1. Organisation Agreement form: to be signed by the organisation to which the participants belong. This form must be signed and sent by email to NTCIR-Lifelog organisers (
  2. Individual Agreement form: to be signed by each individual researcher wishing to use the NTCIR-Lifelog data collection. This form must be filed by the participating organisation, but it does not need to be sent to the lifelog organisers.

Upon completion of this process, the participants will be sent a unique username and password to access the dataset. Please see the section below.

Access to the LifeLog datasets

The datasets can be downloaded below. Each link is password protected and each organisation will receive a unique username and password to access the data. To get these access codes, please email the organisers ( with the signed organisation agreement form in attachment.

The dataset consists of a number of password protected ZIP files:

  • NTCIR14-Lifelog-3 visual dataset (lifelogger 1 and lifelogger 2). These two zip files consist of wearable camera & smartphone data from two lifeloggers in JPG format. The data has been manually anonymised. Both files are required.
  • NTCIR14-Lifelog-3 biometric/minute dataset. This dataset consists of biometric data from wearable biometric trackers along with the continual blood glucose data, in CSV format.
  • NTCIR14-Lifelog-3 concept annotation dataset. This contains the visual concept annotations for each image in the visual dataset and the mapping between the images in the visual dataset and the biometric data.
  • NTCIR14-Lifelog-3 information dataset. This contains the information accesses as minute-by-minute document vectors. GDPR has delayed the release of this component.