LADT - Lifelog Activity Detection (sub) Task
The aim of this subtask is to develop new approaches to the annotation of multimodal lifelog data in terms of activities of daily living. An ontology of important lifelog activities of daily living act as the ground truth for the development effort (see below). The task requires the development of automated approaches to annotating these concepts from multimodal lifelog data. Both image content as well as provided metadata and external evidence sources can be used to generate the activity annotations. The submission is in terms of minutes where every minute is annotated with the desired activity. There are sixteen activities identified below
To reduce the level of subjectivity in the manual judgement process, the manual segmentation is achieved by segmentation the 90 days of data into fifteen distinct episode types, as follows (label: description):
- traveling: travelling (car, bus, boat, airplane, train, etc)
- f2f interacting: face-to-face interaction with people at home or in the workplace (excluding social interactions)
- using a computer: using desktop computer / laptop / tablet / smartphone
- cooking: preparing meals (include making tea or coffee) at any location
- eating: eating meals in any location, but not including moments when drinking alone.
- time with children: taking care of children / playing with children
- houseworking: working in the home (e.g. cleaning, gardening)
- relaxing: relaxing at home (e.g. TV, having a drink)
- reading: reading any form of paper
- socialising: socialising outside the home or office
- praying: praying / worshipping / meditating
- shopping: shopping in a physical shop (not online)
- gaming: playing computer games
- physical activities: physical activities / sports (walking, playing sports, cycling, rowing, etc)
- creative activities: creative endeavours (writing, art, music)
- other activities: any other activity not represented by the fifteen labels above.
LSAT - Lifelog Semantic Access (sub) Task - same as NTCIR-12/13
In this sub task, the participants have to retrieve a number of specific moments in a lifelogger's life. We define moments as semantic events, or activities that happened throughout the day. The task can best be compared to a known-item search task.
Example search tasks include:
Find the moment(s) where I was boarding an A380.
Find the moment(s) where I am in my kitchen.
Find the moment(s) where I am playing with my phone.
Find the moment(s) where I am preparing breakfast.
LIT - Lifelog Insight (sub) Task
The aim of this subtask is to gain insights into the lifelogger's diet and health. It follows the idea of the Quantified Self movement that focuses on the visualization of knowledge mined from self-tracking data to provide "self-knowledge through numbers". Participants are requested to generate new types of visualisations and insights about the life of the lifeloggers by generating a themed diary or themed insights related to the diet and health of the lifeloggers. The submissions are not evaluated in the traditional sense, but will form the basis of an interactive session at NTCIR-14.