Important Dates
Personal lifelogging is the process of capturing multiple aspects of one's life in digital form and is becoming an increasingly important research topic. Lifelog organisation and retrieval continues to pose significant challenges for the IR community and has recently been the focus of comparative benchmarking exercises at both NTCIR and ImageCLEF. However there has not been much effort on the evaluation of interactive lifelog retrieval systems.

These pages describe a password protected dataset that is used for both the LSC2018 challenge at ICMR 2018 and the WSDM-Task Intelligence challenge at the
Task Intelligence workshop at WSDM 2019.

Concerning the LSC challenge, the
Proceedings of LSC2018 are available on the ACM Digital Library. LSC at ICMR 2018 will be a highly interactive and entertaining workshop modelled on the successful Video Browser Showdown annual competition at the MMM conference. LSC is proposed as a participation workshop, which means that all participants will write and present a paper, as well as taking part in the live interactive search challenge. Consequently, the workshop will have two parts, (1) oral presentations, and (2) the search challenge.

The format of the workshop will be as follows:
  • A conventional morning session with an introduction speaker, a panel discussion and oral presentation of research papers, with a paper from each participant.
  • A lunchtime session which is the interactive search engine challenge which will be open for all ICMR delegates to attend. All participating groups will take part in the real-time competition, which will be configured in the manner described below.
The oral presentations (with associated papers) will describe the approaches taken to develop the interactive system for the search challenge. The workshop has an associated dataset (see DATA page) based on existing NTCIR-13 test collections. This dataset will consist of four weeks of rich multimodal lifelog data (wearable camera images, biometrics, user activities and locations). Associated with the dataset will be 6 testing and 16 evaluation multimodal topics representing challenging real-world information needs. We intend to use both expert and novice users for the search challenge. Details of the dataset will be published as in an appropriate venue in 2018. All participants in the LSC will be invited to submit to a special issue of an appropriate journal in mid-2018.