Important Dates
The LSC 2018 will take place on the 11th June 2018 as a 3/4 day workshop at ACM ICMR 2018.

10:00 - 10:15 - Introduction and Overview
10:15 - 11:30 - Paper Presentations

lifeXplore at the Lifelog Search Challenge 2018
LIFER - An Interactive Lifelog Retrieval System
Using an Interactive Video Retrieval Tool for LifeLog Data
Virtual Reality Lifelog Explorer for the Lifelog Search Challenge at ACM ICMR 2018
Lifelogging Retrieval Based on Semantic Concepts Fusion
An Interactive Lifelog Search Engine for for the Lifelog Search Challenge at ACM ICMR 2018
Geospatial Access to Lifelogging Photos in Virtual Reality

11:30 - 12:00 - Coffee and Setup of the Search Challenge / Demonstration of Search Systems
12:00 - 12:30 - Panel Discussion : Considerations on Lifelog Retrieval
12:30 - 13:00 - Expert Challenge (with the developers as the users of the systems - 6 topics)
13:00 - 14:00 - Lunch
14:00 - 15:30 - Search Challenge (Novice users - 12 topics)

ACM Digital Library proceedings for LSC2018 are now available.

For the interactive search challenge, each participant will be given a desk with arranged in a semi-circle around a dedicated network switch to avoid any latency issues. Each team will have developed a prototype interactive lifelog search engine for the dataset. At the front of the room is a large screen upon which the host shows each topic and a real-time scoreboard with countdown clock. Each team has a score which is based on the speed at which they find the known item represented by the search topic. When an item is found they submit it to a central server which checks to see if it is correct and a score is allocated to a team based on how long it took them to find the relevant content and the accuracy of submissions. We expect to process 16 topics within the session with each topic requiring 2-3 minutes. The topics will be based on a standard Known-Item approach and to ensure fairness, for the challenge, each system will be piloted/operated by a novice user, rather than the system developer.

Each topic will be represented by an image from the collection along with a related description based on the collection metadata. Rather than simply presenting the topic, however, each topic will be presented dynamically with additional information about the known-item being provided every 15 seconds until the complete topic is displayed. This format of topic display was first used at the VBS2018.