Important Dates

All papers must be formatted according to the ACM proceedings style and should not exceed 6 pages in length and be written in the English Language. LSE2018 will use a single-blind review process for paper and system selection. Authors should provide author names and affiliations in their manuscript. Please ensure that you submit your paper with the full list of authors. It is not possible to add or remove authors from your paper during the review process or after acceptance.

Submissions should be made through the EasyChair
ICMR2018 conference submission site. Please select ‘Workshop on Lifelog Search Challenge’ as your submission track.

The submission format is PDF. Since LSE2018 is a participation conference, we have delayed the submission date until anywhere in the world on the
31st March, a full six weeks after the dataset is released. In your paper, we ask that you focus on describing the system and how it works. It is advisable to give some initial results based on the test and validation topics that will be released with the dataset. It is not necessary to provide a long description of the dataset because the organisers will provide this separately. Finally, the organisers are planning a special issue of a computing journal as a follow-up activity in which the workshop and results will be discussed. All accepted authors will be invited to submit (substantially) modified versions of the LSE2018 papers to this special issue. This will occur in autumn 2018.

Publication Notice: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. Please take this into consideration if you are seeking to protect any IP arising from your research.

Contact: For any questions regarding the paper submission, please email the chairs at